What Alamo Colleges students love most about online learning

October 21, 2020

1080x1080-IsmaelAlatorreSAC.jpgIsmael Alatorre is a peace officer, a musician, a valued community member, 作为阿拉莫五所学院之一的圣安东尼奥学院的一名在线学生,我是在线学习体验的倡导者. Like many other adult learners, 22年后,他回到学校,以实现他的职业目标,成为一名主管或刑事调查员. Once enrolled in online courses in the Criminal Justice program, he discovered the many benefits of online learning, 尤其是它的灵活性和与老师和同学进行丰富讨论的机会.

学生选择在我们的十大网赌正规网址官网在线获得学位的原因有很多. 一些人出于需要而接受教育,而另一些人则出于个人原因获得学位. Ismael很幸运,因为他并不一定“需要”一个学位来获得事业上的成功,而是有机会出于求知心和个人投资而接受教育. Thus far, 伊斯梅尔已经完成了两门在线课程,并计划下学期完成全部课程.

“Education makes me more valuable,” he explains. “I’m just trying to get more enrichment for myself, to make things easier, and get a chance at a higher level.理想情况下,他希望成为一名主管或行政部门的工作,他正在朝着这个方向努力.

Ismael认为“灵活性”和“良好的沟通技巧”是在线学习的两个主要好处. Coincidentally, 鲁弗洛·诺埃尔·莱维茨在2020年1月进行的在线学习者优先级调查中也提到了“灵活性”. 该调查提供了关于十大网赌正规网址官网学生在线学习体验的具体见解和证据. For example, what do current students enjoy most about online learning, and how do they rate the quality of online instruction? Do students find the tuition cost a worthwhile investment? 这些问题的答案表达了学生对在线学习的赞扬和关注,并确定了十大网赌正规网址官网的具体改进领域. 调查结果和对在读学生的后续采访表明, above all, they love the flexibility, the opportunities for enrichment, and the meaningful discussions that take place in their online classes.

With a friendly expression and zero hesitation, Ismael解释说,他选择在线学习是因为它的灵活性和便利性. “I chose online learning for the flexibility with my job. 我可以上班下班,然后回家休息,做我的功课. 在课堂上坐上两三个小时对我和我的时间表来说都不合适.”

在线学习的目的是让学生在最方便的时候自由地完成他们的课程, which is a significant factor in why students often choose online learning. 许多在线学生在工作和家庭责任与学业之间取得平衡, like Ismael, incorporate their online coursework when they can be most productive.

Online learning also permits the flexibility of location, 允许像Ismael这样的学生以创造性的方式和地点完成作业, 无论是在午餐时间坐在车里还是在当地的公园里(同时练习社交距离), of course). For Ismael, the flexibility of location is an essential factor. “I can learn where I want. I can even do my work at a park, or anywhere with an Internet connection.”

Ismael指出,他特别喜欢他的两门刑事司法课程的讨论部分. When asked why he found them so engaging, he shares, “Through a narrative point of view, I can communicate and share what I believe in.” In the wake of COVID-19, political upheaval, and protests, online discussions allow all students the chance to voice their insights. Ismael认为“在线学习将帮助他成功”,并鼓励其他人尝试在线学习.

我们热衷于提供卓越的在线学习机会,教育和授权学生. From flexibility to meaningful discussions, there is a lot to love about online learning at our five Alamo Colleges.

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AlamoONLINE represents the range of opportunities for students pursuing degrees, certificates, or other offerings delivered 100% online from Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College, and St. Philip’s College.

At our Alamo Colleges, a 100% online degree, certificate, other offering, 或转学建议指南(TAG)的所有课程都是完全在线提供的,不需要学生到校园或外部网站 except for required proctored exams or to participate in a clinical, internship, cooperative education, or practicum site.